Certainly! Selling a house for cash to a company such as ours is a significant decision. The following are common inquiries we receive regarding the process and DSPROP.
If you find yourself in a situation where property taxes are owed, it's important to note that while they still need to be settled, DSPROP ensures a streamlined process. In such cases, the outstanding property taxes will be addressed during the closing of the transaction, with the necessary amount deducted from the proceeds. This approach provides a convenient resolution, allowing you to fulfill your tax obligations without the burden of handling the payments separately.
Your payment will be disbursed during the closing process, and you can opt for either a cashier's check or a wire transfer. If you prefer a wire transfer, please provide the account number, routing number, and the bank's address to facilitate the transaction.
Can we help with bankruptcy and foreclosures? 100%. We recognize that these times are challenging. That's why we've established a partnership with a specialist who excels in guiding you through and resolving these tough situations.
It's straightforward—just a brief conversation with you and your family. We'll discuss the reasons behind your decision to sell, gather some essential details, and from there, our team will take
care of the rest. We'll crunch the numbers to determine the best offer for your family and
proceed accordingly.
If you're considering selling a property that is still in the probate process, rest assured that it
won't be an obstacle. Whether you've already initiated the probate proceedings or require assistance in navigating the next steps, DSPROP is here to guide you.
Additionally, we can provide recommendations for excellent local probate attorneys here in
Oklahoma if needed.
When discontinuing property insurance and utilities, our recommendation is to cancel them on the day of closing. This ensures that you remain covered by insurance until the last possible
moment, reducing the risk of being uncovered in case of an incident. Additionally, it's crucial to
keep utilities active until the day of closing for our final walk-through.
If you're considering selling a property that you believe is in an unlivable condition, We are here to embrace and excel in precisely those types of projects. Our
passion lies in the transformation of distressed properties, turning them into something beautiful
once again. We take pride in the art of revitalizing homes, breathing new life into spaces that may seem challenging to others.
Recognizing the stress and expenses associated with moving, our team is here to offer support.
If you require assistance with moving expenses, that's a service we can explore. Additionally, we have established partnerships with local movers here in Oklahoma, ensuring that you have access to reliable and efficient moving services. Whether it's financial assistance or reliable moving professionals, our goal is to make your transition smoother and more manageable.
We'll reach out to schedule a brief walk-through, complete with pictures, to assess key elements like your HVAC system, hot water heater, and electrical panel.Following this, we proceed to send the necessary documentation to the title.
After we purchase your house, several possibilities unfold. At DSPROP, our
primary objective is to contribute to our Oklahoma community. This may involve renovating a home to maximize its potential and then selling it to a family, allowing them to cherish it for years to come. Another impactful way we contribute is by offering affordable rentals within our city, catering to individuals who might be here temporarily or those saving for their first home. Our commitment is to enhance our community through various avenues that foster sustainable living and vibrant neighborhoods.